воскресенье, 03 февраля 2013
The Dutch angle, also known as canted angle, oblique angle or German angle, is a type of camera shot where the camera is tilted off to one side so that the shot is composed with vertical lines at an angle to the side of the frame.
In cinematography, the Dutch angle is one of many cinematic techniques often used to portray the psychological uneasiness or tension in the subject being filmed.(via
Wikipedia: Dutch angle)
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More references:
What is a Dutch Angle?
Dutch angle
Dutch Angle
Dutch tilt
(Photos for the Week #8 competition are to be taken between Jan 28, 2013 and Feb 3, 2013.)
/Думаю, фотографии ещё будут приниматься сутки-двое. При желании успеть можно./
1. Anyone and everyone who is interested in eligible. The goal continues to be
have fun and share comments, concepts, insights, and techniques with fellow
2. Each week will feature a Theme and Sub-concept for you to explore.
3. Post your single picture in Project 52-5 thread for the week. Explain what
motivated you to take the picture and/or how you feel it represents the weekly
4. Some post-processing is OK (adjusting white balance, exposure, color
saturation), but let's try to stay away from heavily PP'ed images here. Try to
keep the creativity to photographic techniques and the captures themselves.
5. Since this project is about technique, and not camera, shots taken by non Pentax cameras are allowed.
Cameras may be SLRs, DSLRs, Point & Shoot, Medium Format, et cetera.
6. There is one “Theme Concept” labeled “black and white,” but feel free to post
black and white, sepia, monotone, etc., for any of the other themes.
7. The picture you post should be taken during the week in which the theme is
active to be eligible for judging.
8. Any picture taken from thread start date to listed closing date is acceptable.